Astropolis has its own youth organization for 8 to 12 year olds who are passionate about astronomy and/or space travel. This youth activity, called ‘Space hoppers’, always takes place on the 4th Saturday of the month from 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM. The membership fee, which runs concurrently with the school year, is only 50.00 euros. You can register by depositing the relevant amount into account no.: BE16 7360 4636 7074, stating the name of the participant, age, telephone number and e-mail address. Included is insurance and all activities (except camps and/or excursions).
Interested? Please contact us at info@astropolis.be!
The ‘Space Hoppers’ activities are a mix between astronomy and space travel, both theoretical and practical, topped with some humor and fun. Related sciences, such as physics, biology and chemistry, are also discussed.
We always start with a bit of current affairs where we discuss the very latest discoveries based on a lot of images. This way you always stay informed and learn something new…

Crafts are also done regularly. For example, we have already made a Moon diorama, a planisphere, a water and micro rocket, a sundial, a scale model and a real working solar filter (for use with your binoculars and/or beginner’s telescope). In short, always around the theme of astronomy and/or space travel.
Because science in itself is ‘cool’, we also organize a scientific show once a year. It explains all kinds of principles from chemistry, physics, biology, mechanics, etc… And indeed, we also dare to experiment with our VR helmets…
If the weather conditions permit, we will observe. For example, we regularly observe the Sun through a special H-alpha telescope and spot sunspots. We also learn the most important constellations. Via the activities calendar elsewhere on this website, you can find out what there is to do during the next ‘Space hoppers’ meeting as well as what else you can experience in Astropolis. As a ‘Space hopper’ you will also receive a monthly newsletter containing the program of the next meeting, but also many other matters. Every month we discuss a fascinating astronomy or space-related software program, we offer you a craft activity and you will learn a lot about future activities and events.

The age range for our ‘Space hoppers’ was deliberately set from 8 to 12 years. This is for various reasons, including the need for sufficient manual dexterity, spatial insight and general knowledge.
In addition, the insurance only covers children over 8 years old for the construction and launch of micro rockets, which means that we cannot make any exceptions to the minimum age. Not even for the gifted. Please take this into account.
The ‘Space hoppers’ are professionally guided by the members of J.V.S. Quasar. Are you older than 12 years old (and younger than 24 years old) and are you fascinated by astronomy and space travel? Then you can contact JVS Quasar, the Youth Association for Astronomy from Ostend.
Discover everything about JVS Quasar via: www.jvs-quasar.be !